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Activity Based Funding

Business Rule Sets for Calculating Activity Based Funding

PowerHealth has developed a single Business Rule Set for calculating all Activity Based Funding (ABF) for encounters. The Business Rule Sets are imported into the PowerPerformance Manager (PPM) Rules Engine and run against costing datasets in PPM. PowerHealth will also develop specific models for your region or territory on request.

Fully Integrated Data

Unlike the National Weighted Activity Unit (NWAU) Excel workbooks, which require the manual movement of data, PowerHealth’s ABF model calculates the NWAU funding directly using data already in the database with just a few button clicks.

Activity Based Funding Rule Sets are Streamlined

ABF Rule Sets automate the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) logic to calculate NWAU on the data already in the PPM database.

Compare Funding vs Cost

ABF Rule Sets enable hospitals to compare funding against costs at the Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) and encounter level, and identify where gains and losses have been made.

Identify Areas for Improvement

By understanding the costs down to the encounter and service level, hospitals can identify the highest cost buckets and what contributes to these. With this information, informed decisions about where improvement is required can be made. 


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