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PowerPerformance Manager - PPM
Increase Analysis | Target Profitability | Focus on Quality
With increased emphasis on delivering sustainable healthcare and the rise in healthcare costs, the ongoing success of an organisation is now based on the ability to understand and manage cost and revenue, whilst providing quality patient care.
It is crucial for hospitals to understand profitable vs non-profitable services. PowerPerformance Manager (PPM) is an essential tool for efficient healthcare management, providing hospitals with an
easy-to-use solution with world leading costing and analytics functionality.
PPM is a web-based system that calculates service delivery costs and funding revenue, based on clinical and financial data consolidated from other healthcare systems.
PPM is the essential tool for efficient healthcare management, providing an intuitive and easy-to use system that supports task-oriented processing.
PPM Annual Digital Footprint
$40b+ of Australian Hospital Activity Costed
74% of all emergency department, inpatient admission and admitted Australian public episodes costed through PPM
*The above statistics are based on only Australian customers over a 12 month period
How will PPM Benefit my Organisation?

Increase Analysis
With PPM’s short implementation time, ease of setup and ongoing processing, you have more time to spend on analysing output rather than system maintenance. You can easily set up new patient data source systems without technical help from PowerHealth, and PPM’s scheduler automates the data processing.

Target Profitability
PPM’s detailed patient level costing and revenue data enables patient level profitability analysis, allowing the hospital to target those areas needing attention. The transparent costing setup easily tracks the source of costs, and revenue amounts can be calculated within the system or imported from outside sources.

Focus on Quality
With the focus on quality outcomes as well as costs, PPM enables you to report patient incidents using data from a patient safety and incident system, or using internally generated data such as the Classification of Hospital Acquired Diagnoses (CHADx) and Hospital Acquired Complications (HACs).

Intuitive Interface
PPM’s intuitive Windows interface with visual controls makes it easy to navigate and provides an instant view of processing progress with status indicators so that you use your time effectively. The Task Dashboard enables monitoring of individual tasks and the ability to drill-down to processing details, alerting you to changes that need your attention.
Other Key Benefits include;
- Costing- PPM calculates the true cost of care delivery to accurately measure business performance, and identify areas for cost savings or improvements.
- Reporting (detailed further below) - PPM provides a consolidated enterprise data warehouse for all your clinical, patient administration and financial data. It delivers fast, timely automated reports and immediate, easy access to the most relevant data.
- Funding and revenue (detailed further below)- PPM models revenue for Government funding and private health funds to reduce the turnaround time for applications to update business funding rules.
- Submission framework & benchmarking - PPM delivers a customised reporting framework to process all hospital data through the same validating, mapping or processing steps into submission ready files.
- Analytics (detailed further below) - Utilise PowerAnalytics, to leverage the PPM data set to accelerate deployment and the delivery of intelligent, real-time, actionable insights and predictions from your data.
- PBRC to PPM integration - PowerHealth clients with PowerBilling and Revenue Collection (PBRC) now enjoy integration from PBRC into PPM.
- Visualisation - PPM now has expanded data visualisation features, all delivered inside the product, exactly where needed when configuring or analysing costs. The visual library has over 20 different types of visualisation components including 3D heat maps, charts, trend lines, queries and timelines, to ensure all sites can personalise their dashboards.
Client Testimonials
PHS should be very proud to be part of the development, consulting, training, and be working on this EXCELLENT product.
The support that I have experienced has been great and makes a real difference during this period of the year when we are all experiencing time pressures to get the costs out to the Department.
Gigi Chan, Analyst, Eastern Health
After extensive research, our opinion is that PPM is proven as the best healthcare costing application available.
The PPM system will support Canadian health system leaders manage precious financial and clinical resources. By partnering with the PowerHealth Solutions team, we are able to offer and provide a truly comprehensive solution that drives a true return on investment for hospitals and healthcare organisations in an evidence based decision making environment.
John Sexton, Managing Partner, Canadian Healthcare Management
The Health Services Executive selected PowerHealth Solutions because it has the knowledge, expertise and systems needed to drive a more efficient Irish hospital system.
Brian Fitzgerald, Director of Finance, St James's Hospital
PPM Case Studies
Bairnsdale Regional Health Service
Empowerment, confidence and longevity in relationships remain a PowerHealth focus to add value to the client support process. These features have been core to our relationship with Bairnsdale Regional Health Service.
Based on the pain points being experienced, the Bairnsdale and PowerHealth team implemented PPM and a number
of initiatives to support users, building confidence and efficiency around the VCDC submission process and ongoing costing function.
Cabrini Health
Cabrini Health needed to understand their revenue and profitability to gain an edge in Hospital Purchaser-Provider Agreement (HPPA) price negotiations with private health insurance funds.
PPM Rulesets enabled Cabrini Health to accurately predict their future revenue and quantify private health fund provision options and price changes, to ensure optimum financial health.
Peninsula Health
PPM was implemented at Peninsula Health to improve the quality of clinical costing data results and address the credibility-gap that existed with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Victoria.