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PowerHealth Workshop and Sponsorship at PCSI Qatar

6th July 2014

PowerHealth Solutions is proud to be the Bronze Sponsor at the Patient Classification Systems International 3-day conference on 20-23 October 2014 in Doha, Qatar. The company will also be sharing their costing knowledge with delegates from around the world through a costing session at the one day pre-conference workshop.

In keeping with tradition, the 30th PCSI Conference will gather the work and experience of worldwide experts in casemix and wider areas of healthcare provision, with a strong presence from the region. The conference theme focuses on the “Patient Information for Better Choice”, and deals with transparency of costs and care to understanding and responding effectively to trends in the health sector.

As this is the first PCSI Conference to be held in the Middle East, it presents a unique opportunity to learn more about this fast growing and complex region and engage in networking. Qatar is in the midst of a transformation of their healthcare sector, so the knowledge exchange from this conference will play an important role in helping shape and guide this process.

Widely recognised by PCSI delegates, PHS Managing Director Patrick Power and PHS European Director Nigel Michell have been conducting their popular costing workshop as a regular part of the annual conference for many years now. This year’s session is entitled Patient Costing – Everything you need to know!





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