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PowerHealth Invited to Present at CDCA Conference

22nd February 2013

PowerHealth Solutions has a reputation as a thought leader in healthcare Activity Based Funding, and was invited to present a paper at the 4th Annual Clinical Documentation, Coding & Analysis Conference, in Melbourne, 18-19 February 2013.

Activity Based Funding

The rollout of Activity Based Funding in Australia and the ongoing implementation of the national e-Health system continues to highlight the importance of ensuring the quality and quantity of clinical documentation, coding and analysis.

Conference Topics

This conference provided a forum for delegates to stay abreast of national initiatives, share project experiences and strategies at all levels within the health sector, and discuss solutions to common challenges.

The Use of DRG Diagnosis & Procedure Codes in the Patient Costing Process

PowerHealth Costing Consultant Andrew McBride, presented a paper on the use of DRG, diagnosis and procedure codes in the patient costing process, and how the quality of the coding is key to the quality of the analysis.

Andrew has a Master’s in Public Health and deals daily with ABF hospital funding and efficiency issues, through implementation of the PowerHealth patient costing system which calculates the real cost of clinical service.

By any definition, the quality of the system output and analysis will always depend on the quality and quantity of the incoming coding data associated with the encounters and services. To achieve quality analysis, you must have quality documentation and coding.

To get a copy of Andrew's paper

  • Click here to goto our e-Papers page
  • Enter your name and email address
  • Select 2013-02 CDCA DRG Diag&Proc Codes in Patient Costing AMcBride
  • Click Submit.
  • The paper will be emailed to you.


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