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PowerPoints spreading the news to all points of the globe

Theen Moy

This is a bumper issue of PowerPoints as it combines the last 2 issues of the year into on mega issue. We are very proud and thrilled that our Managing Director Patrick Power has won the Ernst & Young Technology Entrepreneur Of The Year award for the Australian Central Region. Patrick is competeing in the National Awards in Sydney at the end of November. 

Our next User Conference is being planned and we are trying to estimate numbers. So tell us if you are coming.

We are on FaceBook!  Do join us by liking our page. 

We've been busy attending conferences. Patrick and the costing consultants have written a paper about quality assurance in costing, which Patrick presented at PCSI Avignon. Garth has also bee busy delivering his paper about the importance of coding in patient costing to the HIMAA delegates. 

We welcome 3 new internal Directors to the organisation, as PHS restructures to align its focus on projects. With the new structure, PowerHealth Solutions is well placed to continue with its vigorous growth. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone and remember that the PHS office shuts down for the holidays from 24th December 2012 to 4th January 2013, but will be manned by skeleton crew during this period.

Entrepreneur of the Year

Our very own Managing Director Patrick Power has won the Australian 2012 Central Region Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year award in the Technology catergory, for his work building the healthcare software development brand into one which is considered a market leader in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Hong Kong. 
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PHS User Conference Expression of Interest

Conference organisers Debbie and Theen have stared planning this event and it would really help us to get an idea of attendace numbers.

When: Mid April 2013
Where: WA - a resort near Perth
How long: 2 days (Mon & Tues) with an optional site visit on the Wed
Dinner: Conference Dinner on the Monday night
Cost: a small registration fee, under $300
Other Costs: as usual you pay for your airfair & accomodation. 
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Follow us on FaceBook

We have launched our FaceBook page and welcomed everyone to check it out. Follow us as we gear up for the 2013 PHS User Conference. To join us, go to FaceBook and click Like.

Read the full PDF Power Point Newsletter


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