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PowerPoints spreading the news to all points of the globe
Theen Moy
Since the last newsletter, we've had 8 new staff join the company - a big welcome to Carol Casey, Vanessa Blackshaw, Aurelio Colosi, Chris Oleschenko, Garth Barnett, Andrew McBride, Bryan Cock, and Ashley Sanders. The office has been steadily sprouting new desks as we try to fit everyone in. Luckily our friends from iSoft are moving out due to the merger with CSC, and will provide badly needed space for our growing band. The company is in great shape, growing at a phenomenal rate. Team sizes have been shaping up well to match the workload. PPM2 version 1.3 has been well accepted by users and we have finished PPM2 and VCDC implementations in Victoria. This newsletter brings you 2 big costing stories - PPM's contibution towards the ABF reform, and the Automation of State Costing Submissions. PBRCprojects continue to track well in New South Wales, Western Australia amd South East Asia. As a result of our business commitments, we are deferring next year's User Conference. However, we hope to see more of you in Adelaide attending the next year's FREE Training courses. We have a new competition called Who's The Baby?, where staff and customers are invited to guess the identity of 2 PHSers from there baby photos. If you get it right, you win double movie tickets! In addition to doing real work, we've also adjusted our office chairs, played soccer with homeless guys, run up stairs in tall buildings, eaten roast-lamb-on-a-spit at George's farm. Watched the most important horserace in Australia, grown interesting moustashes. On top of all that we've already had our Christmas lunch.The stories are all here, so Enjoy!
PHS Arms Public Hospitals for ABF Reform
The newly released PPM2 is all set to help Australian hospitals progress smoothly over to the new Activity Based Funding system due to commence on 1st July 2012. Rewritten from the ground up and given a technology boost, the system provides automated fast processing to facilitate the more frequent reporting expected.
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PHS Automates State Costing Submissions
In addition to the PowerPerformance Management casemix patientcosting system, PowerHealth is extending their range of solutions to include the preparation of costing reports to State Health Departments. The company has developed customised .Net systems which audit and validate the data prior to submission, effectively standardising State submissions across all hospitals.
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Free Training
PowerHealth provides excellent value for money through its quarterly fee training provided in Adelaide. We invite all users to take advantage of this offering to brush up on any areas that you need skilling up on. As our 2012 courses are being organised now, it is a really good time to let us know what you need.
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