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PowerPoints spreading the news to all points of the globe
Pam Brady
Greetings to all PHS staff and customers, from your new editor, Pam Brady! If you don‟t recognise me, it may be because I am a relatively new starter since February 2010. We thank our outgoing Editor, Lucas Jones, for his work over the last 2 years.
This year, PHS has gone through a fairly big growth spurt, and the office is bursting at the seams with new recruits.
We welcome James Andrews, Adam Willett, Shaun Reid, and Jessica Wang into the PBRC-AE team, George Mitev into the PBRC-IE team, Simon Harding and Akber Ali into the Reporting team, Suhasini Arumugam into the Testing team and myself (Pam Brady) into the Technical Writing team.
I look forward to introducing these new faces to you in future newsletters.
So much has happened since the last newsletter ─ the COAG healthcare funding agreement, our first female Australian Prime Minister, the federal election, autumn, winter, the arrival of spring, the latest batch of PHS babies (Frank‟s, Phil‟s, Simon‟s), …
We have all been hard at work developing and implementing PHS products both in Australia as well as overseas. PPM has undergone a full rewrite, metamorphising into a version 10. That is our excuse for only now catching up on last year‟s Christmas dinner!
We are planning the next PHS conference, after taking a break in 2009. 2010 happened so fast we are trying to schedule a conference this financial year. We‟ll keep you posted as the plan unfolds.
I look forward to bringing you interesting PowerHealth news, both of the serious as well as the silly and fun variety!
Australian Health & Hospital Summit
In May, Patrick Power and Richard Morrall attended the Australian Health & Hospital Summit in Brisbane, as PowerHealth was the Platinum sponsor.
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Informing the business of healthcare
In August, Paul Venables and David Musson attended the Health Informatics Conference in Melbourne.
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PCSI-Conference Munich
In September, Nigel Michell and Patrick Power attended the Patient Classification Systems International conference in Munich, Germany.
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Australian Casemix and Patient Level Funding
We bring you the PowerHealth Solutions paper presented at the PCSI Munich conference. Patrick Power looks at the Australian approach to Casemix since the 1990s and in the next four years as Australia embarks on health reform.
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PPM Version 10 ─ ready for health reform
PPM10 will be launched shortly, and represents a new approach to the power performance process. You‟ll love the Overview and Task Monitor!
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