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News 2002

$1M endorsement for PCM — Nov 2002

Eastern Health

With the recent decision by Eastern Health in Victoria to implement PowerCost Manager (PCM), Power Solutions Dtd (PSD) has reported that sales of their award-winning web-based patient costing system has broken through the $1M barrier in just 4 months.

PCM is a winner — Nov 2002

PowerHealth Solutions APICTA wins ICT Award

PowerCost Manager has won the Asia-Pacific Australia ICT Award, for the ICT Health/Telemedicine category. Recognition by APICTA distinguishes PowerCost Manager as highly innovative and cutting-edge technology.

Power partnership — Sep 2002

Patrick Power, Power partnership

Power Solutions Dtd (PSD) and KPMG Consulting have signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly develop and license PowerCoding Auditor, a web-based clinical auditing software application for healthcare institutions in Australia and New Zealand. This joint venture leverages KPMG Consulting's clinical auditing expertise with PSD's web-based software development skills.

PCM wins Women's and Children's hearts — Aug 2002

PCM wins Women's and Children's hearts

PowerCost Manager (PCM) receives a strong vote of confidence from the Women's and Children's Health in Victoria for its product excellence.

A&RMC pilots home grown software — Jun 2002

Senator Judith Troeth

The A&RMC is piloting new clinical costing software that will be more flexible, cheaper and, for the first time, made in Australia. Senator Judith Troeth The Federal Government launched the new software, PowerCost Manager, at the A&RMC in September, having provided $700,000 through an AusIndustry grant for its development.

R&D turns into ROI — May 2002

R&D turns into ROI

PowerCost Manager is a pioneering patient costing system, developed by Power Solutions Dtd with the sponsorship of $700K from the Commonwealth AusIndustry R&D Start Grant.

The Changing Healthcare Environment — TALKING CASEMIX — May 2002

Nigel Michell, The Changing Healthcare Environment

Over the past decade, significant changes have been made to the financing and management of healthcare services. There has been a move away from traditional historical based funding, to an increasing focus on output measurement and Casemix based payment systems. To complicate matters further, these changes have been made in a climate of shrinking budgets, contestability, service agreements, outsourcing and privatisation. The above changes, coupled with increasing demands for cost effective healthcare services, have emphasised the need for better healthcare information to ensure that the goal of optimal service levels are achieved. In the Allied Health context, there is a need to ensure that the professions are able to clearly quantify and cost the services they provide, to facilitate effective management in an ever-changing environment. These requirements will be discussed in more detail below.


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